Our suppliers
Save money with Clear Utility by choosing a deal from pone of our hand picked list of business energy suppliers.
Since 2018 we have curated a panel of the best gas and electricity suppliers in the UK. We're no patsies mind and on occasion, we've said goodbye to a supplier that no longer met our stringent criteria.
All this means you're safe when you choose us, we currently work with 24 UK energy companies, and the list is growing all the time.

We're proud to count all of the UK’s Big 5 energy suppliers as partners
We’ve also built up strong relationships with smaller, more specialist companies too. These include green energy specialists such as Opus Energy and Engie. These companies are committed to providing 100% renewable energy and working towards a zero-carbon future.
Our carefully chosen partnerships with an ever-growing supplier list are what make us stand out. We make it our mission to always offer the right product, and so making sure we have the right suppliers to match our customers with is key to our success; and yours. This means we always have the best choice of business energy tariffs for our customers to choose from.

The big ones and the smaller ones you should know about
There are more than 70 business energy suppliers in the UK. Some are small firms serving a geographic area with a bespoke product and some are highly specialised, focussing on a very narrow customer type.
Regardless, they all have their own idiosyncrasies which make them great for you but not your neighbour.
Differing focuses
Many suppliers focus on delivering industry leading service and achieve this through offering UK based call centers and tech-driven customer platforms. As a rule of thumb, they are competitive but rarely the cheapest option but they take market share through reputation and recommendation.
Yet other business energy suppliers concentrate on the social and environmental aspect of their products, offering green only electricity tariffs, planting trees and even digging wells in water deprived areas of the world when you switch to their deal. More recently 100% biogas has entered the UK market and whilst not the cheapest option out there, many customers are turning to such deals as climate worries grow.

Familiar names
Then there are the so-called 'big five' who in the past have dominated the industry and have generally been established for much longer. Many customers like the familiarity of a household name but the larger companies tend to innovate less often and are slower to change when the market dictates it.
Our tight knit partnerships with an ever-growing supplier list is what makes us unique.